
How to Remove Support Material From 3D Prints – Best Tools

If you’ve ever 3D printed, you would have on a few occasions come across support material that was very difficult to remove and wished there was an easier way to do this. I’ve had the same issues, so I decided to do some research and find out how to make removing 3D printing supports easier….

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How To Stop Your Filament Breaking in the Extruder During a Print

Early in my 3D printing journey there were a few times when my filament would break or snap off in the middle of a print. After experiencing this frustrating issue a few times, I looked for information on how to prevent and stop filament breaking in my extruder during a print. If this is also…


Brown Lines or Dark Spots in 3D Prints? How to Fix

You’ve been 3D printing some PLA or other material of a light color and noticed some brown spots or lines in your print, now you’re trying to find a solution. You might experience 3D printing burnt blobs that ruin your print’s aesthetics. Luckily, you’ve come to the right place, in this post I’m going to…

What is the Strongest Infill Pattern?

Infill patterns can easily be overlooked when you’re 3D printing but they make a big difference in your quality. I always wonder which infill pattern is the strongest so I’m writing this post to answer it and share it with other 3D printer hobbyists. So, which infill pattern is the strongest? It depends on the…


How Long Does a 1KG Roll of 3D Printer Filament Last?

I’ve been 3D printing this same roll of 1KG PLA for a while now and I was thinking to myself, just how long does a 1KG roll of 3D printer filament last? There are clearly going to be differences from person to person, but I set out to find out some average expectations. The average…

How Long Does a 3D Printer Last? Creality Ender 3 & Others

3D printers don’t just last forever, but some last longer than others. I was sitting here thinking how long my 3D printer will last before I have to buy another one. If you’ve been wondering how your Ender 3, Ultimaker or Prusa 3D printer will last, you’re in the right place. In this article I’m…


PLA 3D Printing Speed & Temperature – Which Is Best?

Being an avid printer of PLA material I was thinking to myself, is there a perfect 3D printing speed & temperature that we should all be using to get the best results? I set out to answer that very question in this post so keep reading to see what I found out. What is the…

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MK6 Vs MK8 Vs MK10 Vs E3D V6 – Differences & Compatibility

Being in the 3D printing field I’m sure you would have seen these MK6, MK8, MK10 and E3D V6 terms thrown around without knowing the actual differences. I’ve made this post for that exact reason, to set out and explain, compare and answer what makes each nozzle different. Depending on what 3D printer you have,…