Filament Diameter 2.85mm or 3mm

3D Printer Filament 1.75mm vs 3mm – All You Need To Know

When searching through filament on Amazon, other websites and looking on YouTube, I came across filament sizes of 1.75mm and 3mm diameter. I didn’t know how much difference there was between the two and why people prefer one over the other. I did some research and wanted to share what I found with you. 1.75mm…

9 Sure Fire Ways To Stop 3D Prints Moving While Printing

9 Sure Fire Ways To Stop 3D Prints Moving While Printing

You’ve got your 3D printer set up, got an awesome design to print and have all the files loaded up ready to go. Your 3D printer is active but for some reason the print won’t stick down and moves while it’s printing. It’s a frustrating thing that has happened to many 3D printer hobbyists, but…

Keep Safe When 3D Printing

7 3D Printer Safety Rules You Should Be Following Now

3D printers are a complex piece of machinery that comes with safety rules every user should follow. I’ve put together a list of these rules so follow these rules and be confident about your safety through your 3D printing journey. Safety is your responsibility, so read these carefully before your start 3D printing. This is…

Pillowing - How To Fix - Rubiks Cube

5 Ways How To Fix Pillowing in 3D Prints (Rough Top Layer Issues)

You’ve set up your printer, had many successful prints but for some reason the top layer of your prints aren’t looking their best. This is an issue many 3D printer users have dealt with. It can be annoying to have a print go perfect, until the very end where you experience pillowing, which results in…

Clogged Extruder Nozzle - 3D Printerly

5 Ways How to Fix & Unclog Extruder Nozzle & Prevention

3D printers really are great, but the problems that you can run into aren’t so much. One of these issues is the 3D printer extruder nozzle getting jammed or clogged up. It’s an issue that can be resolved easily so I’m going to share that with you guys in this neat post. As you know,…

Heated Bed Stove Fire

4 Reasons Why a Heated Bed is Needed With a 3D Printer

Out of the many components of a 3D printer, the heated bed is one that doesn’t get too much attention, even though it serves a very important purpose. Without an efficient heat bed, prints will go from successful, high quality prints to stringy, warped, tacky-looking prints. That’s why I put together 6 reasons why your…

Worthy Investment 3D Printing

Is 3D Printing Worth It? A Worthy Investment or Waste of Money?

Deciding whether 3D printing is a worthy investment or a waste of money is a question on the mind of many people. It’s a question that I’m going to answer in this article by using examples and information from many 3D printer hobbyists out there. It’s hard to answer this in a yes or no…

Should I Buy a 3D Printer

11 Reasons Why You Should Buy A 3D Printer

3D printing used to be an expensive craft which would set you back several hundred dollars just to get started. This, along with the high cost of printing materials and less beginner-friendly printers meant that it was quite challenging to get in to. Today it’s a much brighter scenario, where the average individual can get…

Things to Know Before 3D Printing

14 Things To Know Before Getting Started With 3D Printing

For people wanting to get started with 3D printing, I’ve put together some awesome tips that will help you in your future journey. You don’t want to be going in blind before buying a 3D printer so read on and get some important information before you get to 3D printing. 3D printing is simple, yet…

Noisy 3D Printers

How Loud Are 3D Printers: Some Cool Tips To Reduce Noise

3D printers are very useful machines, but they can be a bit of a noise disturbance depending on what 3D printer you have. You’ve probably been thinking about getting a 3D printer and wonder, just how loud are 3D printers? The average 3D printer is around 50 decibels, which is as loud as a normal…