1. Thank you, this site seems like a good site and a good subscribe.
    I am trying to print names on a flat surface as a cutout (holes).
    I cannot seem to find a font that does not require me to chase the little pieces and glue them. Lie the letters e & d.
    Any recommendations appreciated.

    1. Sure, so I’d look into using stencil fonts which have breaks in the letters to keep the inside parts connected to the main letter. You can go with Stencil, Army Stencil or Capture It.
      Another type is outlined fonts where the letters are just outlines, this means there aren’t floating parts inside. Something like Blokletters, viltstift and courier new should work.
      You can also do single line fonts like harlow solid, magneto and soft sugar. Or you can modify the font yourself in a software like Fusion 360 to manually add small connects to attach the inner part of the letter to the outer part.
      Hope that helps!

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